Birthday Boy
Today is the 9th birthday of my son Bo. He asked what post I would be doing for him for his birthday since he was aware I had done one for Violet. I had not thought of that. That being said, Bo is all boy. He is dirty, messy, silly and sweet with a huge heart of gold. Legos, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Wii games, Football, Baseball and Skiing seem to be the passions that capture him. None of those seem to be a perfect fit for my design related post. I then remembered the great post by Quintessence from December about a Star Wars art exhibit by Dale May. It is truly fantastic. I will share a few of my favorites.
All items can be found at the Samuel Owen Gallery.
Happy Birthday Bobo!
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You nailed it! Way to go Mom, rally fun:)!!
I love this! Happy belated to Bo!