My Breakfast Room Update
As a professional hazard I tend to feel the need to make changes and upgrades. I do believe a home is never really finished. It evolves with the collection of the owner and the phases we go through. I have picked a few things to liven up my breakfast room. Happy to say the least.
Colorful kilim for under the table from PB Teen
A tulip oval table from DWR. I have a great farmhouse table but dream of this.
My favorite monkeys having happy hour for the curtains with fuschia grosgrain bands on the leading edge.
Orange Wishbone Chairs
Lucite Fixture
Silver Grasscloth (already there)
Rana Rochat Encaustic from Hidell Brooks Gallery
These are the ideas. What do you think?
Thank you much…I truly appreciate your help.
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Lisa Mende Design
Oh Holly! I love this especially the fabric for the drapery!!!
Whitley Hamlin
I would actually quite love to knock off this entire room if it didn't mean I would get an F for originality. Love the monkeys having cocktails. Really? Could not get any more cool. Awesome light fixture too.