New Fabric Introductions: The Floating World Collection by Beacon Hill
The new Floating World Collection by Beacon Hill cannot be ignored. These wild and bold silks are saturated with color. I am enamored to be sure.
Modern motifs merge with historical concepts in Floating World and Silk Jacquard & Embroideries, two new collectionsfrom Beacon Hill inspired by the late 19th-century French artistic movement that encompassed both Japonisme and
Chinoiserie. Floating World updates vintage documents to the 21st century by enlarging patterns to a grand, highly stylized
scale, making them both opulent and relevant to today’s interiors. Silk Jacquard & Embroideries employs smaller motifs
that can be used in supporting roles to Floating World’s bold focal fabrics. Both collections are made exclusively for
Beacon Hill at the world’s finest silk mills.

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Sarah Sarna
Bold is back! Beautiful new collection.