Search results for: pairings

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A lazy night watching the Emmy awards and my recent Napa trip gave me the idea of wine and food pairings translated into Emmy ensembles and rooms.  Here […]

So much to see, So much to read, Here are the articles, recipes and places that piqued my interest the past week…  Inside The Warren […]

A little Art Love to get your week started… I am crazy about the works of this talented artist I recently discovered. The geometry combined […]

So much to see, So much to read, Here are the articles, recipes and places that piqued my interest the past week… FYI…I’ll be back […]

So much to see, So much to read, Here are the articles, recipes and places that piqued my interest the past week… Liz Lange’s NYC […]

So much to see, So much to read, Here are the articles, recipes and places that piqued my interest the past week… MIMI MCMAKIN REFRESHES […]

We should be fully enraptured in the fashion and beauty of the Met Gala tonight but Covid has it pushed to September. The Met Gala and my […]

So much to see, So much to read, Here are the articles, recipes and places that piqued my interest the past week… 9 Books To […]

  So much to see, So much to read, Here are the articles, recipes and places that piqued my interest the past week….a few days […]