40 must-follow interior design pinners on pinterest via Carla Aston
I am thrilled to be included on Carla Aston’s list.
What an honor!
This is proving to be a great new year.
40 must-follow interior design pinners on pinterest

I’m at it again — adding to my list of must-follow interior design pinners on Pinterest!
I’ve got some more great Pinners for you to follow so your feed will be pristinely groomed for some major interior design eye candy. And if it makes you feel more confident in my selections, know that I regularly repin from each of them. Needless to say, my Pinterest feed is amazing!
As usual, I’ve curated this must-follow list by focusing on the quality of the Pinner’s overall Pinterest activity in the subject of interior design.
However, I do look for how prolific Pinners are and if they upload — not just repin — beautiful images of interiors from a vast array of design blogs. Because, of course, even though we appreciate those who pin only what they see on Pinterest.com, it does become tiring to see the same old images coming down your feed.
Oh, and one more condition my selections must meet: You have to have pinned more than one thousand images/links. That’s right, only “serious” Pinners are allowed. 🙂
Before you scroll any further, here’s a tip:
As you peruse through my list, click each name or profile to open the Pinner’s page in a new window/tab. And before you get too focused on the new addition’s pins, make sure to check out the link at the end; it will take you to 30 more must-follow Pinners!
K.D! Designz, Inc.
As you make your way through this list, you’ll see that I’ve included a lot of interior designers, because–well–us designers know good design when we see it, and good design usually lies in its details. With that said, this designer from Colorado, K.D! Designz, Inc., does not disappoint. I mean–how many average people do you know has an entire board (300 pins) devoted to bed crowns! 😉
Mark D. Sikes
Mark D. Sikes’ personal home was a hit in House Beautiful back in November of 2011. And now that he’s on Pinterest, his taste in design is a hit too, as he pins beautiful rooms and stylish people on his boards. His design blog is also not to be missed.
Georgica Pond Interiors
This decorator from Australia, Georgica Pond Interiors, is pinning when the rest of us north of the equator are asleep. She has gorgeous pins ready and raring to go every morning when I check-in to Pinterest. You should be checking her pins. and her beautiful blog, too!
Lance Jackson
I’m always repinning this interior designer’s pins. Lance Jackson definitely knows his stuff, and he exudes that “preppy on the edge” style in all that he pins. He is a must-follow for anyone interested in beautiful interiors!
Laurie Laizure
If you’re an interior designer, Laurie should be your new best friend. She’s full of great info on how to navigate the world of social media for designers and has started an interior design Google+ Community that you should have joined yesterday. Hit her up on all her social media channels and revel in the amount of information she shares daily!
Mona Thompson
I’ve known Mona Thompson a few years now. I suppose you could say we’re “blogging buddies”, and I’m proud see her having so much success with her new, bigger Providence Ltd. online shop, and an entertaining Facebook Page that is growing every day. Working in the Little Rock, Arkansas area, she is on Pinterest regularly providing her followers with a beautiful dose of interiors with European styled elegance. | Must-read: Mona kindly penned a motivating/educational post for DESIGNED about how she and her sister started their own boutique.
Pam O’Connell
Okay, wow! Just WOW! 550, 000 followers! I guess many of you are already following this designer, Pam O’Connell, aren’t you? If not, you should. You’ll not need much else to fill your pinboards.
Holly Phillips
Here’s another heavy hitter from the south: Holly Phillips, from Charlotte, NC, writes a beautiful blog and pins some really stunning interiors in her spare time.
Gary Inman
Gary is another designer with an adept hand at pinning. I’m in awe of hisInterior Design Illustrations board. I have a real soft spot for hand renderings and just love that he collects exquisite images created when designers are imagining a space.
Emily Henderson
HGTV’s 2010 Design Star, Emily Henderson, has a fun, creative sense of style that’s evident in the images she pins. If you’re into interiors, you should be following her for up-to-date, on-trend interior inspiration that will have your boards looking like the cool hunter it deserves to be!
There you have it: my updated list of interior design Pinners on Pinterest you absolutely must follow!
But we’re not done yet!
First: how about you follow me??? 😉
Finally: check out 30 more must-follow Pinners! (See below)
Be sure to subscribe to Carla’s fab blog!