Search results for: Art Love

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VIA  Tres chic in shocking pink… With Valentine's Day fast approaching, you need to be sure to get your cards purchased and ready. As the […]

VIA My Sunday hours of exploring on Etsy led me to so many new favorites.  Check them out…you can thank me later. See all my […]

I have a serious crush on Child's Own Studio toys.  These toys are hand made from your own drawings.  Think this concept it just brilliant and such a […]

VIA Some fuchsia favorites I could not resist to brighten up this very grey day.  TGIF! VIA VIA VIA VIA VIA VIA VIA VIA VIA […]

VIA I seem to be drawn to all things golden these days. The return of brass on the scene has me swooning over a new […]

To my dog lovers, This is for you. These are too amazingly crafted not to share.  Shelter Pups at so unbelievable. They are custom made to […]

Bowood Chintz by Cowtan and Tout is a perennial classic.  I love the design trend articles that are popping up as January's answer to the December […]

I started blogging almost 1 year ago as my New Year's resolution. Now 331 posts later, this may be the only resolution I have ever […]