Search results for: Dress to Room

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I have a bit of a caftan obsession. It is a longstanding love that seems to be in a fervent shopaholic frenzy at the moment. […]

I have a special preview for you. Most will not get to shop these yet but, because I am a HUGE fan of M. Gemi […]

Loads of web wanderings to share this week. So much info and wonderful articles to devour. What are your favorite things on the internets these […]

My cart runneth over…  My wants are out of control! I could not fit them all but you can always go to the “Shop My […]

I have never gotten so many compliments as I did with these 2 pieces of clothing last week at The Southern C Summit.   I […]

I am in information overdrive at High Point Market.   The Design Bloggers Tour is an opportunity to see wonderful new products. After one day […]

High Point Market is on the horizon.  It starts on Friday. I am busy scheduling my appointments and organizing my calendar which is quite a […]

Here are a smattering of the various things and articles that caught my eye this week. Style is certainly on the brain as is travel. […]